Executive and Life Coaching

For Individuals, Teams, and Couples

Get ready to step on a transformational journey.

Coaching increases self-awareness. With a willingness to learn transformational strategies, you will gain healthier work and relational skills and bring happiness and balance to work and play with purpose and meaning.


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Growth Areas for You and Your Leaders


Relationship ROI
Within Your Organization

Engaged, productive, and collaborative.


Work/Life Balance

More energy with more meaning.


Dig Deeper Within Your

Embark on a transformative journey.


Relationship ROI
Within Your Team or Organization

One of our most significant challenges is staying grounded and being the best version of ourselves. We have the best intentions. In this busy, fast, fast-paced world, we want to be consciously self-aware that our behaviors and expressions are the best versions of ourselves and do more good than harm.

Our short-term decisions impact our long-term goals.

Achieve Work/Life Balance

In all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is often hard to take a step back and make sure you’re living the life within the career you want and one that supports your family.

Because of this, most people say that at the end of their lives, they wish they had spent more quality time in their relationships. We partner with you to help you identify your top priorities and map out your vision using the purpose and values that will help guide you in life.

Extreme Self Care

Dig Deeper
Within Your Leadership

Digging deeper is essential. People want to live quality lives. They want more balance within their work and play.

This mindset may be different from your own. It is time to dig deeper. Increasing self-awareness is essential for leading well in this ever-changing world.

  • Get to know yourself better.
  • What is it you want in life?
  • How come you do what you do?
  • How do you feel about what you do?
  • How do others feel about what they do?
  • How do others experience being on the other side of you, and who they experience who you want to be?

Connect and start today! [email protected]

What My Clients Say

“Sara is a blessing and I am so grateful for her! She listens and gives you the skills you need to do life and do it well. She seeks to understand and guide in gentleness, patience, and wisdom that kept me going. We need people to help us “do life” and Sara is a great person to find that help!”

Martha McDaniel

Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Christian Investors Financial

“I have the pleasure and privilege of working with Sara Thingvold as a coach for our leadership development participants. Sara’s deep understanding of the skills and qualities required to become servant leaders has been critical in supporting our employees in their professional development, but more importantly, I have a sincere respect for her compassionate approach. She genuinely cares about the success of everyone she works with, but also pushes them to achieve positive results.”

Pat Whitmore

Director of Human Resources, Prinsco Water Management Solutions

Learn self care and relationship skills to successfully lead yourself, your teams, and your family.