Relationship Management

Managing Conflict Well Takes Conscious Communication

Is your organization at standoffs in decision-making, trying to mediate between emotionally charged leaders or passive leaders who are resistant to speak? Because of this:

  • Perhaps Trust is broken
  • Mutual Respect is lost
  • Commitment might be going out the window

Conscious Communication takes intentionality.

Individuals must be passionate about going deeper within their personal and professional self-awareness.

The first step is tracking patterns.

Reach out if you want to stop suffering and start thriving. Begin living consciously and competently, deepen understanding, and build emotionally healthy relationships for effectiveness and ROI within your organization.

The 5 Losing Strategies

You will learn how to avoid these common issues that shut down communication.

  • Being right
  • Controlling others
  • Retaliation
  • Unbridled self-expression
  • Withdrawal

The 5 Winning Strategies

You will learn to implement and practice these common issues that shut down communication.

  1. Go after what you want
  2. Speak to make things better
  3. Listen to understand
  4. Respond with generosity
  5. Cherish what you have

Increase ROI, Employee Satisfaction, Retainment, and Overall Enjoyment.

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Learn self care and relationship skills to successfully lead yourself, your teams, and your family.