A Coaching Tip: Daily Drive for April 2023

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“Originally appeared in BIZCATALYST360, Dec 14, 2019 (edited).”

Sara Thingvold,

”Setting my mind on the Spirit is life and peace.’ – Romans 8:6

Social Wellbeing

Managing what you think, feel, say, and do.

For today, perhaps, think about this:

Be forgiving with kindness and self-control because I care about the hearts and minds within others, I forgive because I, too, am forgiven.

Social Wellbeing is defined as having supportive and loving friendships in your life.

Push Pause: 3 Keys to Success within Relationships- at Work and Home

3 Keys

  1. Attune
  2. Learn
  3. Repair

People want peace, harmony, and happiness in their lives, and when people don’t get the peace, harmony, and happiness they want, conflict can happen.

The first key to managing conflict is attunement. The second is learning what causes the conflict, and the third is repairing the wrong with remorse. Understanding and practicing all three keys can dramatically de-escalate complex feelings and emotions-increasing peace, harmony, and joy desired – significantly, at work and at home.

I’m in your corner,
